安防專家 性價最優 Ausecom Electronics
更新时间:2021-07-20 所在城市:Sydney 悉尼 小区:Ultimo, Sydney Central, 电话: 02 9212 1888 / 0409 128 899
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商家 ID: B5487 所在板块:[持牌批发,安装维修全系列安保器材,私人侦探等。20年经验,专业,最佳,可靠是我们强项! 地址: Unit 78/89-97 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007 电: 02 9212 1888 / 0409 128 899
Ausecom Electronics provides an extensive range of electronic security services and products, including the latest alarm, intercom, CCTV (full digital and analog systems), security access control and 24/7/365 alarm and video monitoring service. Our team of licensed security experts, service professionals and engineers ensure that all projects no matter the size or complexity are achievable whilst meeting the requirements of even the most demanding clients.
Our office is situated in Ultimo putting us in the heart of Sydney’s CBD, allowing us to provide rapid response as well as excellent service to residential and commercial customers in and around central and metropolitan, Sydney.
We believe that the use of high quality products from leading manufactures is essential, and take pride in our more than 24 years of business maintaining strong working relationships with all of our suppliers.
电话: 02 9212 1888 / 0409 128 899
地址: Unit 78/89-97 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007
邮件: sales@ausecom.com.au
网站: http://www.ausecom.com.au
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