
   更新时间:2021-07-20      所在城市:Sydney 悉尼      小区:Padstow, 2211      电话: 0414 901 976 / (02) 9599 8885


商家简介:     商家 ID: B5559     所在板块:[ 悉尼煤气空调 ]     [ 回首页 ]     [ 回板块 ]     [ 繁體 ]     [ 升级广告 ]     [ 商家登入 ]     [ 商家认证 ]

20年经验,设计,安装,维修风房及冷冻设备。出售商业冰箱。 地址: Unit10/13-15 Wollongong Road, Arncliffe NSW 2205 网站: www.jonorefrigeration.com.au 电话: 0414 901 976

Jono is the exclusive importer of high-quality product from reliable manufacturers overseas. Distributors and customers trust us because of our rigorous product testing and compliance process.

Our loyal and growing customers trust Jono with commercial refrigeration services and design. In 1991, we started as a sole trader that supplied refrigeration solutions to the food industry. Our customers include supermarkets, restaurants, butchers, seafood mongers, hotels, pubs and clubs.

Why Choose Jono Refrigeration?

Jono Refrigeration only specialised on Commercial Refrigeration. It is your one-stop shop for all your commercial refrigeration needs.
We give our customers honest and professional advice in choosing the right unit. We have a team of qualified and highly-trained Refrigeration Mechanics that supports our Sales Team. We will do our best to answer all your queries and give you the best price possible.
To prevent equipment deterioration, we provide Preventative Maintenance Service to our customers. Regular inspection of the equipment identifies potential problems early on. We equip our customers with these trainings: New Equipment Training; Quarterly / Pre-Season Check Ups and Equipment Cleaning.

Below are a list of our products:

Cake and Food Display
Deli Showcases
Stainless Steel
Under Counter Fridges
Compact Bar Fridges
Glass Door Wine Fridges
Salad and Pizza Prep Fridges
Upright Commercial Display Fridges

Services offered:

Cool Room Design / Freezer Room Installation - Professional Expert Builder
Preventative Maintenance





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 电话: 0414 901 976 / (02) 9599 8885
 地址: 38 Gibson Avenue, Padstow NSW 2211
 网站: http://www.jonorefrigeration.com.au


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