荷花泰餐厅 - Lotus Thai Restaurant & Bar
更新时间:2014-02-14 所在城市:Sydney 悉尼 小区:Chatswood, Sydney North, 电话: 02 8065 4123
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商家 ID: B5801 所在板块:[Lotus Thai Restaurant and Bar has a 20 year history of popularity. The Restaurant has 5 branches located in China, the Sydney branch being the most recent. Located in the heart of Chatswood, Lotus Thai Restaurant and Bar sits independently on a semi-open exterior platform located under the Epica building on Railway Street. The restaurant offers a blend of traditional and modern Thai culture. You will have an opportunity to experience a moment of excellence and extreme comfort. Its quiet location offers a great chance for private, luxury, relaxed and casual dining. This restaurant will automatically make your visit more frequent.
For years, Lotus Thai has preserved the idea of “Great health with greater taste”. Scientific results have reported that through appropriate cooking methods, Thai herbs and spices could have stunning effects which benefits health. Lemongrass and galangal which we use in our food could prevent cancer, and our specialty in Thai curries and spices also works great against calories. Lotus Thai’s unique techniques come from the belief that less oil and better freshness produces quality food. Try it, and find out for yourselves!
电话: 02 8065 4123
地址: Suite 2,9 Railway St, Chatswood, NSW 2067
网站: http://www.lotusthaisyd.com
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