
   更新时间:2014-02-26      所在城市:Melbourne 墨尔本      小区:Melbourne, 3000      电话: 03 9670 0091


商家简介:     商家 ID: B5839     所在板块:[ 墨尔本餐馆饭店 ]     [ 回首页 ]     [ 回板块 ]     [ 繁體 ]     [ 升级广告 ]     [ 商家登入 ]     [ 商家认证 ]

Quanjude, a famous historied brand of China. Quanjude was established in 1864 (the third year of Tongzhi of Qing dynasty). With its 144 years long history, Quanjude roast duck is well known among both domestic and overseas customers.

The first QUANJUDE restaurant in Australia is now open. It serves a full range of duck delicacies. The roast duck prepared at QUANJUDE is tender inside with a crisp outer shell of duck skin giving off a tantalizing aroma. It looks wonderful and appealing with a full figure, even claret colour and the brightness and shine on the duck skin. It tastes pure and mellow with lotus leaf-shaped cake, scallion slices and sweet sauce jam, leaving a lasting and pleasant aftertaste.





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全聚德【图片 5】   



 电话: 03 9670 0091
 地址: 299 Queen Street,Melbourne
 网站: http://www.quanjude.com.au/


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