墨尔本 CityWide 会计所
更新时间:2014-02-27 所在城市:Melbourne 墨尔本 小区:Pinewood, 3149 电话: 03 9886 6465
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商家 ID: B5857 所在板块:[We have established high standards of business practice and pride ourselves on the level of skill, care and diligence that is applied to every customer whether large or small.
Our aim is to provide uniquely tailored personal care, whilst assuring you that your business will be conducted in a highly ethical and professional manner.
We believe in forming a partnership with our clients and ourselves; a partnership that is developed and nurtured.
Citywide uses the latest technology and through many established links with insurance and investment providers remain one step ahead of our competition offering up to the minute solutions for all aspects of accounting and financial planning.
Whether you are part of a large concern, running a small business or a private individual, Citywide have the resources to work on your behalf.
Citywide are totally independent which means that we can guarantee to provide our clients with unbiased and professional advice at all times.
电话: 03 9886 6465
地址: Shop 5, 33-39 Centreway Pinewood VIC 3149
网站: http://www.citywideaccounting.com.au
墨尔本华人会计板块提供墨尔本会计师和会计师楼等信息,包括华人会计师楼,公司做帐和报税退税,澳洲注册公司,澳洲公司注册,注册澳洲公司 GST 和 ABN 的申请,个人报税退税等等。
优质商圈,优质品牌。 Quality Brands, Quality Businesses.
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