J&P Construction     Gold

   更新时间:2020-11-17      所在城市:Brisbane 布里斯班      小区:Underwood, 4119      电话: 07 3341 9997 / 0422 397 235


商家简介:     商家 ID: B9748     所在板块:[ 布里斯班房屋装修 ]     [ 回首页 ]     [ 回板块 ]     [ 繁體 ]     [ 升级广告 ]     [ 商家登入 ]     [ 商家认证 ]

我們是頂尖的韓國設計和建築公司,我們的專業團隊可以從設計規劃至建築施工一條龍為您服務,合力為客戶打造最理想的店鋪和公司裝潢。我們在昆士蘭已經完成超過250個商業項目,口碑和信譽度很高,保證會根據您的要求,從頭至尾按時順利完成,令您滿意。电话:07 3341 9997 ,0422 397 235(English&Korean)

25 Years of building and interior design experience and 30 years of construction expertise join forces to make your business dreams come true!
Shop design is more than just a look.
Our devoted staff will be involved from the very beginning of your business plan to bring efficiency, allure, and affordability to you.
Over 250 shops around Metro Brisbane built only by word of mouth tell of our high client’ satisfaction. (December 2016)





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 电话: 07 3341 9997 / 0422 397 235    
 联络: Joshua LEE
 地址: 1/10 Smallwood St, Underwood, QLD 4119
 邮件: jnp@jnpconstruction.com.au
 网站: http://www.jnpconstruction.com.au


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