万事通 Sydney - 商家 ID: B13687
更新时间:2021-08-31 [ 升级广告 ] [ 商家登入 ]
所在板块:[ 悉尼医疗保健 ] [ 商家认证 ]
所在小区:Ashfield, 2131
电话:02 9716 8022
地址:2 Holden St, Ashfield NSW 2131
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Our mission is to provide modern, up-to-date medical care in a compassionate way and in a welcoming environment. We aim to improve quality of life by preserving and restoring vision.
At Ashfield Eye Clinic we have a highly experienced team of ophthalmologists and orthoptists, all of whom are qualified and highly skilled with a passion for delivering the highest quality of care for our patients.
Our staff are dedicated professionals who work as a team to give you the best possible experience and care. You can be assured that your privacy will always be respected.
We are constantly evaluating new techniques and technology to be able to deliver the best standards of care.
Generally, you will be seen first by one of our orthoptic staff who will check your vision and history. The orthoptist may also carry out ancillary tests, which may include:
Visual field testing: This is a computer-based map of your peripheral vision. This is an essential part of the assessment of various conditions, particularly glaucoma and neurological conditions.
OCT scanning: Uses light scattering to construct detailed imaging of the structures of the eye. This is of assistance in particular in the management of glaucoma and macular conditions
Corneal mapping: This is a map of the shape and thickness contour of the cornea which is helpful in planning refractive surgery
In the course of the consultation, you may be given dilating drops which enlarge the pupil and allow the doctor to examine structures at the back of the eye with better clarity.
After our examination. we will summarise our findings and proposed treatment. We are able to personalise our care and provide you with a good understanding of your condition and its management.
Laser treatment or minor procedures will often be performed at the time of the initial consultation. We generally deal with emergent problems so as to minimise the number of return visits required. In many instances, follow-up visits will be needed for ongoing monitoring or treatment.
Communication and collaboration with our medical colleagues is an essential component of good management. Following your initial visit, or at follow-up visits if there is any substantial change, a report is sent back to your referring doctor or optometrist or any other medical practitioner at your request. Because we use speech recognition software and computerised medical records, we are able to furnish you a written report at the time of the consultation if requested.
If you have had dilating drops, your vision may be blurry for several hours after the consultation, in which case it may be worthwhile organising for a friend or family member to drive you home.
Your total time at the clinic may be an hour, occasionally longer, as we try to give each patient the necessary time. It is recommended that you do not make any appointment or engagements for several hours after the time of your appointment.
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电话:02 9716 8022
地址:2 Holden St, Ashfield NSW 2131
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