关于我们 (About Us)

万事通澳洲商城由百事通数据服务公司 ( Bestong Data Service P/L ) 于2022年1月上线开通,是百事通旗下另一品牌。从2022年开始万事通平台和百事通平台作为联名品牌同步推广。除个别行业板块之外,所有百事通平台的付费广告客户将在万事通平台同步推广。



Westong Platform is another brand name under Bestong Data Service P/L which is launched in Jan 2022. The platform is basically same as Bestong platform except a few different service categories.

Business customers should be noted these two platforms are totally separate and they don't share data after Jan 2022. Only Bestong old data up to Dec 2021 has been transferred into Westong platform. After that if customers want to submit business listings on both platforms they should do so on both platforms separately. Submitting data on one platform won't display the listing on another platform automatically (except for paid customers as those customer data will normally be handled by our technical department to enable the ads showing on both platforms.)

Westong platform has removed "Adult Service" and "Sports Betting" two service categories (These two service categories are only available on Bestong platform). In the meantime, two new service categories ("Matron Services" and "Project Management") have been added.


Disclaimer: Bestong Data Service P/L reserves the right to change or modify any service content or terms without notice.



Quality Brands, Quality Businesses.


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