万事通 Melbourne - 商家 ID: B8281

UNIK constructions

更新时间:2021-07-21   [ 升级广告 ]  [ 商家登入 ]
所在板块:[ 墨尔本房屋装修 ]  [ 商家认证 ]
所在小区:Knoxfield, 3180
电话:0402 494 244
地址:79/1470 Ferntree Gully Road, Knoxfield VIC 3180

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Unik Constructions was founded in 2014 by Director Mr Pratheepan Saravanapavan. Pratheep has more than 15 years of experience in the building industry and has overseen in excess of 600 projects ranging from units, apartments, townhouses and luxury developments. He also possesses formal qualifications in Building Construction & Building Surveying. At Unik we build residential projects ranging from dual occupancy, multi-unit developments, renovations and commercial projects. We build locally and many of our projects are within close proximity of each other increasing efficiency of service delivery.

Total Flexibility

We are flexible to client requirements and allow buyers to customise their home to their desire. We encourage you to select the colours and styles of your choice when it comes to tiles, carpets, timber floors, paints at each stage of the project.

Well Known Brands

Our standard range includes high quality products from well know Australian companies such as Belissimo Kitchen Appliances, Gainsborough, Colorbond, Brivis, Dux, Bristol and Haymes, to ensure you receive long lasting, high quality products with warranty. We focus on quality not quantity hence we work on a maximum six projects at any one time. At Unik we ensure that all our subcontractors are fully licensed and insured to complete quality work on your home. We source only local subcontractors with a reputation for great service.


We have a quick turnaround time from project inception to completion and deliver projects within budget operating to industry standards.

We meet you in person and can take you on a tour of our current projects.

At Unik we believe in providing a custom tailored service to meet your needs and expectations where we work with you one on one from project inception to completion. At Unik we believe in building with passion and this is further evident in the quality workmanship of our project.



【图片 2】 UNIK constructions  商家 ID: B8281 Picture 2【图片 3】 UNIK constructions  商家 ID: B8281 Picture 3【图片 4】 UNIK constructions  商家 ID: B8281 Picture 4【图片 5】 UNIK constructions  商家 ID: B8281 Picture 5【图片 6】 UNIK constructions  商家 ID: B8281 Picture 6


电话:0402 494 244
地址:79/1470 Ferntree Gully Road, Knoxfield VIC 3180



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Quality Brands, Quality Businesses.

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